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What does a 'Book Birds' class look like?

  • 20-30 minutes of reading aloud

  • 10 minutes of discussion time

  • 10 minutes of role-play

  • 10 minutes of vocabulary and comprehension exercises


Read aloud:


During the read-aloud, children get turns reading the text aloud. The focus during the reading is to help children learn expressive reading, correct pronunciations, identify newly acquired vocabulary, summarise the text and learn to read with an understanding of where to pause according to the punctuations in the text. When they read aloud they model reading accuracy, reading speed and reading pauses with each other. During an online class, we encourage children to hold the physical copy of the book so that they can annotate the text as well and don't stare at the screen directly.

Dramatising the chapters (Discussion and Role-Play):


A special part of our classes is taking on the roles of the characters in the novels we read and in order to do that, the children have to understand the situations the characters are going through in the chapters. Children pay attention during the reading as they don't want to miss out on participating during the drama performances. They are also given a chance to discuss the chapters in small groups, giving them practice to work on their discussion skills. They are also given leadership opportunities during these tasks.


Vocabulary and Comprehension:


We continuously work on your child's vocabulary and comprehension throughout the classes. Different strategies are adopted for this, including speaking, reading, listening, and writing exercises to pick up new vocabulary words. We also assess your child's understanding through different types of quizzes.

Stellanova Educational Services Pvt. Ltd.


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